How to level a lawn by Hand

Do people frequently ask how to level a lawn by hand? So let’s start we will explain when the word “cottage” is used, most of us picture a pleasant cottage in the middle of a level lawn, with neat seedbeds and rows of fruit trees, a well-kept flower bed and flower beds. But to achieve this ideal, a gardener has to work hard. And the first thing to do is to level up the lawn.

All too often, new plots of land are allocated to wastelands in the vicinity of cities. The land is usually far from the level. levelling the unevenness of the terrain is therefore no small headache for the owner after he or she has purchased the land. How to level the land to create a lawn, what tools are needed and whether this work can be done with your own hands?

How to level a lawn by Hand?

Levelling your lawn is important for a number of reasons:

  • Most lawn grasses grow best on a flat surface.
  • A flat lawn ensures even irrigation so that water does not run off down the surface and leads to over- and under-watered lawns.
  • Unevenness (bumps, hollows, general incline, etc.) will also affect the evenness of light distribution on your lawn, leading to an overgrowth in some areas and oppression in others.
  • Aesthetically, a lawn also looks much better when it is level. Such a lawn is ornamental in itself and also enhances ornamental features such as alpine rocks.

So it is worth making an effort to even out the unevenness of your lawn before planting any lawn mixtures. Professionals can help you level your lawn but if you want to save money, you can also do the work yourself.

How to level a lawn with your hands

Before you start levelling your lawn, it is worth preparing it. Firstly, divide the area of the future lawn into nine equal parts. The easiest way to do this is with string and stakes. Use them to mark out a square area divided into 9 cells arranged in 3 horizontal and 3 vertical rows.

To control the alignment visually, stretch the ropes at a low height from the ground (3-4 centimetres). The ropes can now be used to trace any irregularities in the area.

When the preparation is complete, remove all excess soil from the hillocks and fill it into the holes with the stretched ropes in mind. It is possible that the soil cut from the knolls will not be sufficient to fill all the pits or gullies on the plot. In this case, additional soil will be needed. The easiest way is to buy it.

The method described above is applicable if the plot does not have a noticeable slope, but is only marred by pits or gullies. But how can a rough area be levelled if there is a general slight incline? First of all, you must find out how steep it is. If it is a slight slope, you can use the method described above. However, if it varies widely by more than 20 degrees, you should consider dividing it into terraces of different sizes. It’s easier to redevelop, and it looks much better on the ground. It’s best to put terraces on slopes which face south or east since these sides are considered the warmest and best-lit.

Before levelling the ground, the area must be cleared carefully and free of tree stumps, roots and other obstructions.



How to level a lawn The equipment for making a flat lawn depends very much on the size of the area and the amount of work. If the area is larger than the standard six acres or if there are too many irregularities, it is worth using machinery. The first thing to do is to use a tractor with a moldboard to level the ground. This should be done twice, first along the plot and then across it.

After the running-in, the plot is ploughed with a cultivator and then levelled with a weighting tool. An improvised roller can be a metal barrel filled with crushed stone, sand or water. After this treatment, the plot will become level and will hold the plane and slope well, even when digging for the winter and spring.

If a thick layer of plant roots is forming dense turf on the site, a grader or bulldozer may be needed to remove it and then level the ground. Not only do these machines efficiently remove the turf, but they can also roughly level the surface of the plot.

Rake and Shovel

If a large area is not too big and the shape is not too difficult, you can get by with a minimum of machinery. In this case, it is sufficient to plough the plot a few times with a cultivator. The ploughing should be carried out in a different direction each time – first longitudinally, then transversely. After ploughing, the irregularities can be levelled with a rake and shovel.

Simple improvised implements can also be used for manual levelling. For example, an old wooden ladder with flat steps may produce good results. It is dragged around the whole area of the plot and tied to ropes. The treads on the ladder act like a few rakes, smoothing out the ground very effectively.

The drainage system in the lawn

Creating a drainage system can also be an advantage if you want to level the ground yourself. If the soil is clayey and natural drainage is not sufficient, it is worth making drainage channels and fitting a drainage pit in advance. If the soil is not too clay-rich, natural drainage may be sufficient.

As you can see from the information above, it is easy to level the lawn in your own hands. Once you have made an effort, you can make sure your plot looks nice and pretty, and you don’t have to worry about water runoff. A smooth green lawn is rewarding enough for your efforts and will be a joy to look at for years to come!


People who work in the field professionally give advice on how to level a lawn in the correct way.

The use of heavy machinery such as bulldozers is not advisable. These machines are rather heavy and will damage the fertile soil layer with their tracks. A small tractor can be used after the winter if the area is covered with mounds and ornamental grass grows poorly.

Preferably use a cultivator to loosen and loosen the soil.

Preferably, dig in the autumn and leave the soil in this state over the winter. This will ensure that the clods will freeze and kill the weeds.

Reploughing with the cultivator should preferably be done in different directions. This procedure should be carried out in spring.

If the area is heavily overgrown with weeds, herbicides should be used. It is important to choose a chemical that will kill a particular type of weed.

If old stumps are present on lawns, they can be either removed or covered with saltpetre. The second option allows stumps to be turned into chaff.

If you follow these guidelines, you will achieve a beautiful lawn.


To achieve proper drainage of water from the site, a lawn slope of approx. 1-3% must be established. In the case of large areas, the angle can be increased to no more than 30%.

To carry out the work, the following tools must be available in advance

  • A Pitchfork
  • Shovel
  • Rake
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Stakes
  • Tier
  • Compactor

Levelling the ground

The important thing to remember is that the aim is to obtain a perfectly level piece of land.

During the levelling process, it is important to avoid creating even small holes, as these will cause waterlogging and rotting of the plants.

Now start the levelling process. Cut the mounds and fill the holes using the prepared shovel. Especially compacted soil can be turned over beforehand. Return the previously removed topsoil to its place and level it out using a rake. Allow the soil to settle and leave it undisturbed for a fortnight. Once this time has elapsed, level the ground using a spirit level and the pegs prepared and marked on them (10 cm from the top).

Place the pegs in squares at a total of 9 points and then add or remove excess soil. Repeat the procedure until the surface is perfectly flat according to the marks.

Work the prepared surface with a rake to level it completely and then compact it with a roller to prevent it from sinking in the period of rain. Pay attention to the fact that compaction should be done after rain, in windless and dry weather, slowly and thoroughly.

The next step in levelling the surface is to remove stones and weeds and smooth out any bumps that may have formed. For final levelling, a simple lawn rake is best, as it will not only remove stones and weeds but will also be indispensable for placing the seeds in the soil. To check how well you have levelled the area, you can pull the bar and then, if necessary, go over the area again with the rake.

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